About Delta Sigma Theta Sorority

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world.

Founded on January 13, 1913 by twenty-two collegiate women at Howard University, the Sorority is currently a sisterhood of more than 200,000 predominately Black college educated women.

This includes 1,000 collegiate and alumnae chapters located in the United States, Canada, England, Japan (Tokyo and Okinawa), Germany, the Virgin Islands, Bermuda, the Bahamas, and the Republic of Korea.

The major programs of the sorority are based upon the organization’s Five-Point Programmatic Thrust:

  • Economic Development
  • Physical and Mental Health
  • Educational Development
  • Political Awareness and Involvement
  • International Awareness and Involvement

For more information, visit our national website at www.deltasigmatheta.org.

DST logo

About Delta Sigma Theta Sorority

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world.

Founded on January 13, 1913 by twenty-two collegiate women at Howard University, the Sorority is currently a sisterhood of more than 200,000 predominately Black college educated women.

This includes 1,000 collegiate and alumnae chapters located in the United States, Canada, England, Japan (Tokyo and Okinawa), Germany, the Virgin Islands, Bermuda, the Bahamas, and the Republic of Korea.

The major programs of the sorority are based upon the organization’s Five-Point Programmatic Thrust:

  • Economic Development
  • Physical and Mental Health
  • Educational Development
  • Political Awareness and Involvement
  • International Awareness and Involvement

For more information, visit our national website at www.deltasigmatheta.org.

About the Bloomington-Normal Alumnae Chapter

From within the Mighty Midwest Region . . .

In a twin-city community that is home to two major universities and numerous employers, Bloomington-Normal Deltas frequently enjoyed the sisterhood and fellowship of Sorors living in and/or relocating to the area. With, at that time, two undergraduate chapters, Alumnae Sorors saw the need to establish a graduate chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. On March 20, 1982, area Sorors met in Hovey Hall at Illinois State University to discuss the establishment of an alumnae chapter.

With a clear vision in the hearts and minds of 12 women, the Bloomington-Normal Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated was chartered on March 27, 1983, by Soror Alison Harmon, Midwest Regional Director.

For more information, visit the Midwest Region’s Website at www.dstmidwestregion.com.

About the Bloomington-Normal Alumnae Chapter

From within the Mighty Midwest Region . . .

In a twin-city community that is home to two major universities and numerous employers, Bloomington-Normal Deltas frequently enjoyed the sisterhood and fellowship of Sorors living in and/or relocating to the area. With, at that time, two undergraduate chapters, Alumnae Sorors saw the need to establish a graduate chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. On March 20, 1982, area Sorors met in Hovey Hall at Illinois State University to discuss the establishment of an alumnae chapter.

With a clear vision in the hearts and minds of 12 women, the Bloomington-Normal Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated was chartered on March 27, 1983, by Soror Alison Harmon, Midwest Regional Director.

For more information, visit the Midwest Region’s Website at www.dstmidwestregion.com.


 Faye Doe Alexander Judith Nobles Gilmore  Linda Smith Pierce
 Cheryl Daniels Fluker  Beverly Granberry  Anita Price Lane
  Ardis Dunson Garcia Debra McClellan Davielene Nevitt Senter *
 Beverly Butler Gay Murrieal Gordon Orendorff Debra Tyson Thomas

*Omega Omega Chapter